November 30, 2017

Dear St. Andrew’s Church Family,

4 ‘Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are all about to be fulfilled?’ (Mark 13:4 NIV)

Jesus’ disciples are eager to find out when the Jerusalem temple will be destroyed. Earlier as they were admiring the huge temple, Jesus claimed that the temple will be totally destroyed and not one stone will be left standing (Mark 13:2). This totally shocks the disciples. They then ask when will these things happen and what will be the sign that they are about to happen. Jesus then goes on, for the rest of Mark 13 to describe what will happen before he returns as the King (Mark 13:26-27). The destruction of the temple is somehow associated with Jesus’ returning kingship.

This week our Queen Street sign was changed to show a return of the King. Advent means “to come”. Christmas means ” the mission of Christ the King”. The root of both words, Advent and Christmas are in Latin and Greek. I have given you their original meanings. Attached is that new Queen Street sign at St. Andrew’s Streetsville.  This sign is a reminder to “the return of the King” at Advent/Christmas. May he be our King. May he be the King in the lives of people we love. May he be the King of our city.

Pastor Pye