October 19, 2018; Where God Calls Us
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV)
This verse says that God blessed us abundantly and we have all we need. Although God blesses us abundantly, we have all we need not all we want.
Last June, we were in a difficult situation when it came to people helping us with the sound board. As you know, Patrick Taylor and Robert Nancoo formed a great team covering each other on Sunday mornings. When Patrick did not do the audio system, Robert did and vice versa. In June, Patrick was not doing too well health-wise and could not make it here on Sunday mornings let alone help us on the audio system. As Barbara was looking after Patrick, she also could not help us by volunteering in the office on Tuesday and Friday mornings as she usually does.
It so happened that at this time, Mike Murdoch was in-between jobs and volunteered to help us in the office when Barbara could not. I knew that Mike had interest in music as we talked about it previously. I also felt that Mike might have some spare time to help us in other things. Therefore, one Friday morning when Mike was helping in the office, I asked him if he could step in for Patrick and work with Robert on the audio system. He told me that he was more than willing to do so and that he had experience working with a karaoke sound system in the past. Mike has been working with Robert since then. This was an answer to prayer.
We had just put in a new sound system in January 2018. Patrick became ill in late March. We needed someone to come alongside Robert. Suddenly God provided us with Mike who was already there. Yet God had to move me to ask Mike. It was all God. Where God calls, he provides. Our God is an abundant God. He is behind us, with us and in front of us. He brings us to the edge of our lives sometimes. Yet he also makes sure that we have enough for the present moment. God does this to bring us to the point of trusting Him when the cupboard looks bare. Although God blesses us abundantly, we have all we need not all we want.
Pastor Pye